Whats the real true behind the world?
But the first question is... it has a true behind the world?
I heard o lot of bulshit about things, "omnipresents"... just bulshits without sense.
Created by a weak mind, close to things realy biger.
The only true behind the world is our mind... our open mind sure. A closed mind is like a diamond buried a thousand meters down on earth. Has no shine, has no value...
The most powerfull thing in the world is a wide open mind, it hasn't limit, to creation or... destruction...
By the same way that it can construct amazing things, it can destruct in the same scale, or worse.
Every one say that the world search the "balance", the equalization of the energies... but... if you stop the think, if much more easy to destroy any thing of what do construct any thing. Where's the ballance? The equalization?
With we calculate how much "closed mind" are against "open minds", we will have a coward deference of values... this justificates why we haven't our "ballance".
Using the LOGIC, reverting the number of "open minds" automaticaly we revert our status of "ballance", reaching our "Equalization".
Thats a single calculation... with a relevant result...
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A perfeição está no equilibrio.
Que mais mentes se abram, começando pela da minha mãe. ¬¬
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