Procure a padaria mais próxima!
domingo, 20 de maio de 2007
terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2007

Whats the real true behind the world?
But the first question is... it has a true behind the world?
I heard o lot of bulshit about things, "omnipresents"... just bulshits without sense.
Created by a weak mind, close to things realy biger.
The only true behind the world is our mind... our open mind sure. A closed mind is like a diamond buried a thousand meters down on earth. Has no shine, has no value...
The most powerfull thing in the world is a wide open mind, it hasn't limit, to creation or... destruction...
By the same way that it can construct amazing things, it can destruct in the same scale, or worse.
Every one say that the world search the "balance", the equalization of the energies... but... if you stop the think, if much more easy to destroy any thing of what do construct any thing. Where's the ballance? The equalization?
With we calculate how much "closed mind" are against "open minds", we will have a coward deference of values... this justificates why we haven't our "ballance".
Using the LOGIC, reverting the number of "open minds" automaticaly we revert our status of "ballance", reaching our "Equalization".
Thats a single calculation... with a relevant result...
segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2007
sexta-feira, 11 de maio de 2007
Hearing The Devil...

What's up HEATLESS ARCHANGEL? You're feeling down? Hahahahahahaha...
Where's your power? Your strongness? Where are your WINGS? They was broken? Hahahahahahaha... You know, don't you? This is all FAULT!
Stand up your face now!!!
You can't? You power was token from you? It's going to far? She is each second far away from you? Hahahahahaha... It's all your FAULT!
"Open yout EYES!!!" You sad... and now...? Wy? Open the yours now! Sure... if you can! Hahahahahahaha... YOU FOOL!!!
You lose her! Shes gone!... Hahahahaha LOOSER...
I'm admired... you... sefl jugded so strong... FAIL... And now? What you gonna do?
What? You don't now? And, who know?
Wy don't you try do DIE? Hum?
No? Wy? You're failed, she's gone! She left you your IDIOT!!! I know that this hurts you but... IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! Hahahahahahahaha!
I love to see this face... sadness... teardrops... Hahahaha! Are you crying??? I don't belive!!! The HEARTLESS ARCHANGEL!? Crying!? Hahahahahahahahaha I lived to much to see this!!! Hahahahahaha...
She, gone! You cry!
Is this... HEARTLESS ARCHANGEL... you are failled, the ground is now you home... enjoy...
You're a shame!!!
quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2007
Touching the deepest ground in the HELL...

Eu sempre ouço dizer que o inferno eh frio, escuro e solitário exceto pelos demônios...
Eu ainda não morri (eu acho), mas sim um frio muito forte, vejo pouco, como se estivesse em uma profunda escurisão, mi sinto solitário como nunca e minha mente atormentada por ideias que poderia comparar a demônios...
Mi disseram que eu me coloquei "aqui"...
Seria verdade? A culpa é minha? Eu mudei? Me ceguei e não me vi mudar?
Me sinto péssimo, a ideia de solidão me atormenta mais que tudo...
Chorar? Talvez... pq naum?
Me julguei tão forte... sendo que aparentemente eu fiz minha própria fraqueza... gritei a todos q abrissem os olhos e fechei os meus??? Não vi sequer a mim mesmo???
Jurei nunca mais dizer essa frase: "SOMETIMES, I DESERVE TO DIE..."
Sim... eu disse... e agora, com um pouco mais de certeza...

Yes, it's cold... and you aren't here with me, that is not your fault... I understand.
I cannot beg you to be with me, you're free, you have your life... I have the mine too, it's you. You know that you are my life? I hope so.
I miss you... but, I lived a lot of time alone, without care of anyone, but you was the person that lived most time at my side, and you turned into someone that I need to have with me... although as I sad, I cannot beg you to be at my side all the time.
Maybe I could be wrong, but, lately I feel you as I'm feeling now... a bit cold each passing day... I remember how was the beggining, you call me when you miss me, you told me that you are nothing good just by don't see me one day... I don't know what is hapening... maybe I'm exaggerating, Sorry, this is just what I'm feeling.
quarta-feira, 9 de maio de 2007

Que faça-se o CAOS! Que se façam greves!!! O povo tem q mostrar mais o seu PODER, contra esse gevorno mediocre e podre que só serve para beneficiar a ele próprio. Que com a morte de um deles cede um dia de luto... que pouca diferença fez, já não faziam nada, a diferença foi que não fizeram nada com caras tristes...
O que mais me revolta eh a criação de um feriado pela simples vinda do tal papa... com o perdão da palavra, GRANDES MERDA! Que beneficios isso vai gerar? A fé do povo vai aumentar? Fé em que?
Dexam de acreditar em si próprios, os único com PODER, para acreditar em alguem que nem conseguem provar a existencia... RIDICULO!
terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2007
My Gothic Love...

My love, sorry if I made some mistakes with you...
I hope that you know how much I love you. Because I can feel the love that flow from you to me my dear!
My love, I need You. Be with me, at my side. My body needs yours, I need to smell you, I need to taste you. I need to Feel your heat. This is my energy.
I didn't need to wound you, and you didn't do the same, but... I know, I feel, your blood flowing in my veins, giving me life, showing me the real reason to live... YOU.
I love you my love.
segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2007
Pois eh...

Tow começando agora a expor minhas ideias... acho q guardei elas tempo demais soh prah mim, compatilhei-as com poucas pessoas nesses longos 19 anos. Tah na hora de botar pra fora algumas coisas.
Comecei logo com o q mais me incomoda mesmo... o q mais me inquieta.
Eh isso... sempre q algo me coçar a caixa craniana por dentro, jogo logo akih.
Qm concordar com o q eu colocar akih, blz, conviveremos bem melhor... qm naum concordar e nem se afender, vai passar a me intender melhor, mas agora, qm naum concordar e ainda se ofender... sinto muito... pois talvez nem mais convivamos...
Posso mudar de ares, de aparencia, de kuase tudo mais... mas jamais, jamais... mudo minha forma de pensamento... levei tempo demais com eles trancados dentro de mim... naum vai ser de uum hora prah outra q vou mudar...
Eh isso! =]!
With eyes wide open...

I don't care if you was used by this things all your life, my eyes are opened.
Do you say that him opened your eyes, on realy, he closed it.
You should do what I've done... broke the chains that are biding me.
Do wanna now the worth? You bided your self... do you have de power do broke this chains... your blindness is your only weakness...
So... Open Your Eyes...
( comments are wellcome... ;-] )
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